About Rosy.

Hey mamas! I’m Rosy, and welcome to A Rosy Pregnancy!

I’m a full-time high school teacher, a shameless homebody, a total perfectionist, and an Arizona desert gal. ☀️

I’m blessed to be married to the sweetest man, who also happens to be my high school sweetheart. We’ve been married for four years now, and it’s crazy and exciting to even be typing that we have begun our TTC journey!

It’s a really exciting time for us, and I can’t wait to share all my best tips and tricks I learn along the way about all things before pregnancy, during pregnancy, postpartum, and new baby life.

I’m OBSESSED with all things baby names, and I love inspirational quotes, so I’m making sure to include TONS of baby name ideas and motherhood quotes in my blog as well, so be sure to check those out!

I am a Certified Pregnancy Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, and I’d love to use this platform to provide the latest research and best tips on achieving a healthy pregnancy.

With my personal experience I gain throughout my own pregnancy journey, and my professional expertise as a Certified Pregnancy Health Coach, A Rosy Pregnancy will be the *perfect* resource for any mama going through their pregnancy journey.

“Rosy” describes something that is cheerful, healthy, glowing, happy, and promising.. basically all the things we hope for our pregnancy to be. I really hope and pray that this blog brings you some guidance and helpful tips to make sure you achieve a “rosy” pregnancy.

⭐️ Have a question or want to connect? Feel free to email me at [email protected]

certified pregnancy health coach
certified pregnancy health coach

I am a Certified Pregnancy Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, and I wanted to use this platform to educate and empower women with tips and solutions to achieve a happy and healthy pregnancy. Achieving optimal health is so important for both you and your baby. I do not take over the role of your OBGYN or midwife; my role is to guide and coach you on the things you can do to take control of your health habits. By following my tips on pregnancy lifestyle, exercise, attitude, and nutrition, you’ll have the tools for living a healthier life before, during, and after pregnancy.